November 16, 2023
Re: 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend
As Committee for King enters its 37th year of sponsoring Commemorative Services in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., our Board of Directors and volunteers welcome the partnership of civic, business, and faith-based leadership as together we offer diverse and meaningful programming for our community. We are excited to share details of the planned events for January 12-15, 2024. This year’s theme focuses on Dr. King’s life work through the traditional greeting spoken by Maasai tribesmen “how are the children?”, acknowledging the high value that the Maasai always place on children’s well-being.
Friday, January 12 kicks off the full weekend event schedule with a high-energy youth- led “Who’s Got Talent” show. Area youth groups will perform on the Civic Auditorium stage at 6 p.m. Free and open to the public.
Saturday, January 13 features the Committee for King Awards Banquet at 6:30 p.m. presented at the Furniture Market Building 4. This family-friendly evening includes uplifting music, a delicious meal, keynote speaker Jarvis Jones from Jackson, Mississippi, and the presentation of honored Image Award, Community Service Award, and Drum Major Award. For ticket information, go to
Sunday, January 14 the Commemorative Service at the Civic Auditorium will kick off at 2:30 p.m. with area drill teams accompanied by the MLK Youth Choir, Betty Beene, Director. Mayor Todd Jordan will share the City of Tupelo’s work to address the needs of area children and youth, in connection with the weekend theme of “How Are The Children?”. Members of the Committee for King Youth Advisory Committee will participate in the program. Keynote speaker Oleta Fitzgerald, the Southern Regional Director of the Children’s Defense Fund, will offer her broad view of the issues facing Mississippi’s children today, and policies to address those issues. At the end of the program, the community is invited to break bread together in the Tupelo Middle School cafeteria, next door to the Civic Auditorium. Local area nonprofits will offer information on their work at the “Shine A Light” tables in the cafeteria. Area businesses kindly donate delicious food and drinks for all to enjoy. The program and reception are free and open to the public.
Monday, January 15 the weekend will culminate with a Motorcade and scholarship presentations by the Modern Beauticians of Tupelo. More detailed information is on website.
This full weekend schedule is made by possible by you, our generous sponsors. Please review the attached sheet for sponsorship levels and logistics. Please direct any questions you may have to Cliff Campbell at (859) 948-2529 or Martha Swinney at (662) 416-7660. As a 501C3 nonprofit entity, your gifts are tax-deductible as allowable by law. We sincerely thank you for your support.
Full page ad on Webpage and Facebook Page for duration of 2022
3 tables of 8 at Saturday Night Awards Banquet
Special Recognition at each King event
Special Recognitions on WKIU Radio Station
100 mentions on WKIU for 2 weeks leading up to weekend
5-30 second ads per day on local radio stations during week of event
Full page ad on Webpage and Facebook Page for duration of 2022
2 tables of 8 at Saturday Night Awards Banquet
Special Recognition at each King event
Special Recognitions on WKIU Radio Station
100 mentions on WKIU for 2 weeks leading up to weekend
3-30 second ads per day on local radio stations during week of event
Full page ad on Webpage and Facebook Page for duration of 2022
1 table of 8 at Saturday Night Awards Banquet
Special Recognition at each King event
Special Recognitions on WKIU Radio Station
Half page ad on Webpage and Facebook Page for duration of 2022
1 table of 8 at Saturday Night Awards Banquet
Special Recognition at each King event
Special Recognitions on WKIU Radio Station
All contributions help to defray the cost of the 4 days of events celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. King. The Friday, Sunday and Monday events are free to the public, but the Saturday Night Awards Banquet is a ticketed event. All of this is made possible through your contributions. In addition to our community events, which are educational as well as enjoyable, we offer college scholarships to selected students. The scholarships come from donations made by caring people and businesses in your community. Don't miss your opportunity to help in this cause and to make a difference in your community. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and tax-deductible sponsorships should be mailed to:
Committee For King Inc
P.O. Box 4101
Tupelo, MS 38803
Ad space can be purchased on the Website & Facebook page for the following rates per ad:
$200 Full page (8 1/2 x 11)
$100 Half page (4 1/4 x 5 1/2)